With the Website Maintenance Service, our team of experts helps businesses improve the performance and security of their websites. If you are looking for a website maintenance plan, we provide you with the necessary experience and expertise.


Enhanced Web Care Service for Your Business


With every online search, 50 percent of users discover a new company, product or service. They visit your website, discover your products, browse your services and get a first impression of your business. This first impression can make or break your company's next sale.


Today, this fact has made website maintenance a top priority for businesses.


With the Website Maintenance Service offered by our team; Offers a tailored and comprehensive website maintenance plan that helps your business deliver a fast, secure and hassle-free online experience. Also, as a full-service digital marketing agency, it offers turnkey solutions to maximize your site's performance.


In addition, we offer content management system (CMS) security plans to protect your business and users.




CMS website maintenance security plans


If your company uses a CMS, you can also take advantage of our CMS website maintenance security plans. As part of these plans, our team provides the necessary support and updates to keep your CMS functional and secure for your organization.


What does website maintenance services include?


For blog posts, product descriptions, online guides or long-form content, our team will adapt your strategy and output to your business.


Regular Updates


With regular updates that happen during working hours, our team of developers keeps your website functional and secure for users. If you want to add new images, delete a page copy, or change a link, our website maintenance services offer what you need.


In summary, here are some update examples included in our packages.


Text: Add or delete Photos: Additions, deletions and basic retouching 


Pages: Add or delete using existing page design Navigation: Basic navigation changes (adding, moving or deleting an item to navigate) 


File uploads: Adding or deleting PDFs and other documents


Videos: Adding or deleting a pre-edited video Links: Adding or deleting Color and background 


images: Changes or changes 




Technical Support 


As part of our website maintenance plans, your company also provides access to our technical support. With the expertise of our development team, your business can get help with a variety of challenges, such as setting up email.


In addition to technical support, your company may also submit a consulting request as part of your website maintenance services. Whether you have questions about creating a new contact form or adding a new page to your navigation, our skilled team can provide a useful perspective to your business.


Wordpress Maintenance


Many businesses use WordPress as a CMS, so our website maintenance plans include WordPress support. As part of your package, our team takes care of WordPress upgrades and security patches for your company. 


Magento Maintenance


Your Company If it uses Magento as your CMS, we also add Magento support to our website maintenance services. Our developers update your Magento version to the latest version every three months.


Google Analytics Reports


As part of our website maintenance services, we provide monthly Google Analytics reports to your business. These reports provide critical information about your website traffic, highlighting your top performing pages, growth, and more.

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