Attention Content Marketers! What Will You Learn From Wechat?

WeChat is more than just a very common messaging app in China. Apps like Facebook are illegal in China. Only WeChat is used for both business and communication.

Developed by the internet company Tencent in China in 2013, the Wechat application has become an indispensable part of China in a short time. You can think of WeChat as a mix of WhatsApp, Facebook and Apple Pay. Thanks to the WeChat platform, users can message, pay their bills, share with their friends or call a taxi with WeChat and pay the taxi fare via WeChat.

While separate platforms are used for calling, messaging or e-commerce in many countries, including Turkey, WeChat, which is expressed as a Super application in China, offers users many functions from messaging to banking transactions.

When we consider the point that social media has reached today, we see that there is a lot to learn from WeChat in content production and marketing.

If our aim while preparing and sharing content is to ensure that we are always in front of our customers or in their minds, WeChat will be a platform that we should follow closely as an application that does this more than enough.

What Relies on the Success of Wechat Marketing?

How WeChat provides this, we must first analyze it well and determine a roadmap according to these details during content marketing.

The system, which we can describe as WeChat marketing, is basically based on being in constant communication with customers and their expectations.

According to 2021 data, WeChat has 1.2 billion monthly active users. WeChat constantly renews itself by analyzing the services it offers to its users in terms of demographics and infographics. It makes traffic active and continuous with different content such as mini programs, games and videos so that the user stays in the application.

This successful application in content marketing attracts attention with its features that can affect not only China but naturally the whole world.

Rebuild and Enrich Your Content with a New Perspective!

In order to keep our target audience, for whom we produce content, in our own space, we should get to know our customers and make their lives easier by giving them hints about the areas they visit and engage in in their daily routines. For this, we can both differentiate the existing content with a new perspective and enrich our new content with new formats, photos, videos and different visual materials, taking this into account.

High-quality content prepared for the location, age and similar characteristics of your visitors and their needs will actually be a step that contributes to the effort to keep the customer we always wanted close by.

It's important to let your visitors know that they're not just numbers and that they feel special. We can think of this as strong steps towards brand awareness and customer loyalty.

You can prepare content suitable for your target audience and get to know them better with surveys. Gathering more information about customers through visual appeal, more enriched content and keeping interaction warm, with better analysis will create both content production, advertising and sales success chain.

07 June 2021 Monday tarihinde yayınlandı.

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