What is Growth Marketing?

Due to the rapidly changing nature of the digital world, the behaviors, wishes and expectations of users are changing rapidly. Therefore, the majority of traditional marketing and sales methods that could not keep up with this change began to fail. The term "Growth-Oriented Marketing", which is basically called Growth Marketing, is a more comprehensive and advantageous type of marketing compared to traditional marketing types, taking into account the growth targets of businesses.

The transformation of the entire world into a single global market, while increasing competition at an incredible pace, also forced businesses to develop new strategies to keep up with this competition. Growth marketing is a digital marketing concept that is just beginning to be accepted and is not very common. In the simplest way, we can say that it is the application of marketing development with innovative methods and identifying and solving the problems in the process of reaching the target point from the current situation of a company.

Growth Marketing is a functional approach created to attract and retain customers by focusing on the unique, ever-changing wants and preferences of your customers. Optimizing company performance by offering highly sensitive and personalized content tailored to customer needs is called a growth-oriented marketing approach. To develop these approaches, it is applied like A/B testing or multivariate tests, company goals and objectives are determined, and an efficient strategy is tried to be created by Growth Manager or Growth Hacker depending on the service received.

North Star Metric

If you are hearing the term north star metric, which is briefly NSM, it may sound complicated, but it is a very simple and important basic metric. The north star metric is simply how the company will grow in response to whatever product/service it offers. For example, the more useful an application you use on your phone, the more often you use that application. For that application, that is for that company, the north star metric is the number of users and frequency of use. Based on this metric, you can determine the success criterion and make inferences.

Product/Service and Market Accordance

One of the issues that has proven its importance in both traditional and digital marketing is the compatibility of the product or service offered by the company to the market. For example, as a company, you want to open up to a new market and expand the area of ​​your service. In this case, you need to make sure that the market really needs the service you offer or you make a difference from your competitors who offer similar services to you, if this situation is not taken into account, it will not be possible to do growth marketing.

Verilerin Analizi

Geleneksel pazarlamadan büyüme odaklı pazarlamaya kadar en önemli kısım verilerin analizidir. Veri analizinin doğru ve etkin bir şekilde yapılması firmanın doğru pazarlama kararlarını vermesinde kritik rol oynar. Google Analytics gibi popüler ve ücretsiz bir veri analiz aracı kullanılabilir. Bu sayede web sitenizdeki trafiği inceleyebilir, pazarlama kampanyalarınızın istatistiklerini ve verdiğiniz reklamların dönüşlerini optimize edebilirsiniz. Kullanıcıların davranışlarını ölçümleyerek, CRM, SCRM gibi çeşitli araçları ve A/B testini kullanarak büyüme odaklı pazarlama yaklaşımını benimsemeniz bu doğrultuda bir strateji oluşturmanıza yardımcı olacaktır.

Analysis of Data

From traditional marketing to growth marketing, the most important part is data analysis. Performing data analysis correctly and effectively plays a critical role in making the right marketing decisions of the company. A popular and free data analysis tool such as Google Analytics can be used. In this way, you can control the traffic on your website, optimize the statistics of your marketing campaigns and the return of your ads. Adopting a growth marketing approach by measuring the behavior of users, using various tools such as CRM, SCRM and A/B testing will help you create a strategy in this direction.

13 October 2021 Wednesday tarihinde yayınlandı.

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