Facebook App Development Service

If you wish to reach your customers from wherever they are every day, Facebook applications will help you build your brand on this constantly growing platform. Our experienced team helps you with your Facebook application development and provides the following possibilities for your brand:

  • Providing expert application development services complemented by a globally recognized team of website developers
  • Create and design a custom Facebook application tailored to your business, consistent with your brand's message
  • Providing you with the opportunity to actively interact with your business's fans and customers

Facebook App Development Service

Custom Facebook Application Development

Everyone knows that Facebook is one of the most popular social media networks in the world. With its popularity, Facebook has a great potential to influence its users. However, if businesses want to compete on a local, national or global level, the strong presence of businesses in this highly populated social platform makes them stand out.

Facebook was founded in early 2004 and hasn't stopped growing yet. Did you know that there are now more than 750 million active Facebook users and at least 50% of them log into the site daily? These 750 million people, on average, spend over 700 billion minutes a month on Facebook. That's the equivalent of over 1.3 million years each month.

Half of all online users participate in a contest or sweepstakes at least once a month. Businesses that offer some type of competition on their Facebook pages can generate twice as many leads compared to businesses that generally don't. In other words, If you're not offering your customer the opportunity to interact with your brand, they'll find a company that offers that opportunity. That's why investing in social media is so important.

We are experienced in custom Facebook app development to deliver tangible, profitable results that you are sure to enjoy. Together with our team of Facebook app developers, you'll be able to interact with your customer base like never before.

Facebook App Development Service

Types of Facebook Applications Our Developers Can Develop For Your Company

There are many different Facebook apps our team can create for your brand. The result is how we track Facebook app development is based on what you want to achieve with your social media presence. As a leading Facebook app developer, we understand the complexities in achieving the best possible results for your business and are able to handle a Facebook app development in a variety of ways.

Some of the most common applications are:

  • Sweepstakes and Giveaways
  • User Created Competitions
  • Coupons & Group Deals
  • Users' Favorite Picks
  •  Other information Contests
  • Exams
  • Reasons and Charity Promotions
  • Registration Forms
  • Custom Facebook Application Development and Promotion

Facebook App Development Service

Facebook app development provides an endless stream of opportunities for businesses to generate viral brand awareness, excitement, and engagement in the broad social environment. With a dedicated Facebook application, you can be sure to meet all these needs.

Our team of Facebook app developers has the experience, resources and marketing knowledge to drive more traffic, generate more leads, and spread your brand's words to 750 million active Facebook users.

Our Facebook app development process is an essential part of a complete social marketing campaign solution. We use the latest Facebook programming techniques to strengthen your branding in your existing social network. Then, with our Facebook app developers, we include viral marketing features like social sharing buttons, friend invitations and notifications for your custom Facebook app targeting people loyal to your potential brand.


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