With Theadx Export, Worldwide Exports are Under Your Hand


With the world's first artificial intelligence-based export planning tool, enter the export data of the whole world and examine all the details on a yearly basis. Match your products with importing companies.


All the data you need for export


Which countries buy your product, which countries buy more from, in which years the export is more and which companies buy from the importing countries, you can find the answers to many questions on a single platform. We offer all the data you may need when exporting or starting to export.


Theadx Export

Improve your exports step by step. Detailed market research, data mining and media planning


By entering your HS Code, examine your product's trade volume in countries, product-based trade status, and export growth rates over the years. You can even examine the export status of your product in certain countries and make detailed market analysis. You can match the importer companies with your product in the countries you want and examine the purchasing companies.


  • We present export data of the last 30 years, either worldwide or on a country basis. Examine the markets you want to open in detail before exporting.
  • We identified companies that purchased products based on GTIP codes used in export transactions worldwide. Check out potential customers who are already purchasing your product from other countries or other exporters.
  • We have eliminated questions such as how much you should show in which country or company location, how much budget you need to allocate. We present a ready-made detailed media plan for online access to companies that purchase products and export volume.
  • We offer it to the locations of the importer companies with artificial intelligence algorithms. We constantly show your advertisements at the locations of the companies that will buy your product.
  • We enable you to reach 5.8 million companies around the world, and we ensure that you show your products to the right target audience in the right way.
  • We offer special data service on your products. We match your products with potential customers and determine the right target audience for you.


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