Zalando Marketplace Consulting Service

Founded in Germany in 2008 and with more than 4,000 clothing brands and fashion accessory brands, Zalando is the e-commerce leader of the European fashion sector.


What Sectors Are Involved in the Marketplace in Zalando?

One of the most popular e-commerce sites in Europe, Zalando offers a wide range of products in various categories, including clothing, shoes, sports, fashion accessories, beauty products and custom design products.

What Does the Zalando Marketplace Offer?

There is a special order fulfillment service, special product delivery to customers in more than 20 countries, low sales fees and options to sell under more than 4000 brands.

What Conditions are Required to Be Able to Sell in the Zalando Marketplace?

  • It is required to have an online web store.
  • Your business must be registered on the site.
  • Digital products must be available in at least one of the categories of clothing, shoes, sports equipment or accessories.
  • Free delivery and free return should be offered with a 100-day return policy.
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